9 Things Your Cat Might Actually Be Grateful For

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Thanksgiving is coming up quick! Yummy food and football are definitely worth looking forward to. However, it’s important to celebrate the true meaning of the holiday: being thankful for the good things in life. Cats are definitely are something we … Read More »

Creating A Catio

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Do you have a screened porch or patio? What about a spare room, or even a sunny corner? If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes,’ then you have a purrfect spot for a catio! This is a … Read More »

Reducing Anxiety in Cats

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Cats have worked very hard to make us think that they are cruel, cold-hearted predators. While Fluffy is certainly a formidable hunter, she’s actually not quite as aloof as she pretends. In fact, our feline buddies are very emotional, and … Read More »

Tips for Playing With Your Senior Cat

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Is your feline friend in her golden years? Fluffy is just as cute as a senior as she is when she is little, though she’ll probably won’t be as frisky. One of the best things you can do for an … Read More »

National Cat Health Month

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February is National Cat Health Month! Although cats are quite easy to care for, they aren’t quite as independent as they would like us to think. In fact, Fluffy needs quite a bit of TLC to truly thrive. Read on … Read More »

Holiday Gifts for Cats

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Happy Holidays! Have you finished your shopping yet? Or are you just getting started? Choosing the right gifts for people can be tricky! We may not be much help with picking things out for your friends and family, be we … Read More »

7 Easy Ways to Keep Your Cat Purring

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September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month! While our feline pals no doubt deserve to be happy and healthy all year long, this is a great time to show Fluffy some extra TLC. Read on as a local Tampa, FL vet … Read More »

Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

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Do you know that there’s a specific kitty holiday coming up? January 22nd is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day! If your cat could talk, what do you think she would want to ask about? A local Tampa, FL vet offers … Read More »