Adopting A Stray Cat

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World Stray Animals Day is April 4th! We definitely have plenty of stray kitties here in the Tampa Bay area. There are many organizations trying to help our homeless cats, whether by providing food and water or through TNR procedures. … Read More »

Gasparilla With Fido

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Ahoy, mates! Unless you’ve just moved to the beautiful Tampa Bay area, you’re likely familiar with Gasparilla, a celebration of our piratey past, with various parades, parties, and events taking place in January, February, and March. In this arrrrticle, a … Read More »

Spoil Your Dog Day

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There’s a pretty important doggy holiday coming up: Spoil Your Dog Day is August 10th! Fido definitely deserves a special day of his own. In this article, a local Tampa, FL vet lists some things you can do to get … Read More »

Getting Fido Ready for the Heat

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Summer’s not far off now. Florida can be scorching in the warmer half of the year. The worst of the hot weather may be a ways off, but this is a good time to start getting your pooch ready for … Read More »

Arthritis in Cats

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Did you know that arthritis is very common in our feline friends? In fact, as many as 90 percent of cats  over aged 12 are afflicted. This painful condition can have a serious impact on your furry pal’s quality of … Read More »

Adopting a Stray Cat

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Are you considering adopting a stray? There are definitely plenty of cute, homeless kitties in our local area. Perhaps you’ve noticed a scared furball hanging around your yard. Or maybe you found a hungry kitty that needed help, and took … Read More »

Tips for Adopting Bunnies

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Easter is coming up, and bunnies are definitely in the spotlight. Bunny adoptions are always a concern at this time of year. Many people adopt them on impulse, either as gifts or simply due to falling for their adorable faces. … Read More »

6 Ways To Keep Your Dog From Begging

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Does your canine buddy race across the room whenever you open a food wrapper? Does Fido stare at you the whole time you’re eating, with that impossibly cute sad look that is so effective on us? Man’s Best Friend has … Read More »