Spoil Your Dog Day

There’s a pretty important doggy holiday coming up: Spoil Your Dog Day is August 10th! Fido definitely deserves a special day of his own. In this article, a local Tampa, FL vet lists some things you can do to get that tail going.


It probably isn’t much of a surprise to find treats at the top of the list. You can opt for store-bought treats, or try some of the homemade goodies we listed previously in our Frozen Doggy Treats blog. Fido can also have some plain, cooked meat, fish, or poultry, without the skin, bones, and fat. Ask your vet for more information.


Toys serve several purposes for dogs. They keep Fido active and fit, entertain him, and give him a great outlet for any frustration he feels. Playing is also great for your pet’s mind. Pick up some new playthings for your pooch.


Did you know many pets prefer to drink running water? Get Fido his own little fountain, and see if he likes it.


This is very much a gift that keeps on giving. If your canine pal doesn’t have simple doggy obedience commands down yet, consider enrolling him in doggy school. You’ll both benefit, as your relationship will be much smoother. Plus, training can help you keep Fido safe and healthy, as it can prevent accidents.


Did you know that dogs spend as much as half of their time sleeping? A new bed is a great way to get that tail wagging!

Kiddie Pool

Does your dog like water? Get him a kiddie pool to splash around in. This can make for some really cute pictures. (Note: if you use reclaimed water for your yard, get a hose filter for Fido’s pool.)


Another great addition to your yard? A doghouse! Fido should live inside, but he does enjoy having a little spot of his own. Pick something that offers great insulation, so it will stay cool in summer. It should be raised up off the ground a little, so rain goes around and beneath it.


The best way to spoil Fido? Spend time with him! Man’s Best Friend really just wants to hang out with his human pals. Offer your pet lots of cuddles and belly wags, and keep that tail going!

As your Tampa, FL animal clinic, we’re here to help! Contact us anytime.

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