Reasons To Adopt A Rescued Rabbit

February is Adopt A Rescued Rabbit Month. If you’re thinking about bringing a new pet into your home, you may want to consider bringing a sweet rescue bunny into your home. A Tampa, FL vet lists some reasons to adopt Floppy below.

No Noise

We love our canine companions, but many of them can be quite loud. With a bunny, you won’t need to worry about angering your neighbors. Rabbits are very quiet!


Did you know that rabbits can be litterbox trained? This definitely makes caring for them much easier. Training will take time, but it’s well worth it in the end.

No Training

Another great thing about bunnies? They don’t need any training, aside from litterbox training, which is optional.

Bunnies Are Fun

Rabbits are actually much more charismatic than you may realize. Floppy can be quite opinionated and curious, and she’s pretty adorable to watch when she’s feeling playful. Your furry little friend may bring more love and cheer into your home than you would expect.

Small Space Friendly

Floppy will need a sizeable cage, but she doesn’t need a huge house or a yard to romp around in. This is one reason rabbits can be great for people that live in smaller spaces. Just be sure to do some bunnyproofing.

Kindness Matters

Giving that one sad, homeless animal a new beginning can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. It may not solve the larger issues facing the world, but it will make a difference, however small. Of course, to Floppy, this won’t be a small difference: it really will change her world. This is something to feel great about.


We all know that cats purr when they’re happy, and dogs wag their tails. Bunnies also have a way of letting on when they are feeling cheery. It’s called a binkie, and it’s basically a little happy dance. These are bound to put some smiles on your face.


Our animal companions have a special way of filling our hearts with love and turning our houses into home. You may find that petting and interacting with Floppy is an immediate mood booster. Rabbits can also be great stress relief. In fact, you may find that by helping that one cute furball, you’re also helping yourself!

Do you have questions about rabbit care? Contact us, your Tampa, FL animal clinic, today!

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