Taking Fido to the Dog Park

Does your canine buddy enjoy going to the dog park? Man’s Best Friend loves to run and play, and explore new places. Visiting a park is also a great way for you to get some fresh air and sunlight. Read on as a local Tampa, FL vet offers some tips on taking Fido to the doggy park.


Before heading off to the park, make sure your canine pal is current on his vaccinations and parasite control. Heartworm medication is especially important. Mosquitoes pass this deadly worm from one dog to another. Dog parks are a very high-risk place, because of this. Keep copies of your pet’s paperwork on you, either on your phone or in your glove box.


All of our furry pals should be microchipped. Make sure your pup’s records are current. ID tags are also important. If Fido does slip away, tags are the easiest way for someone to connect him to you.


While many parks have water fountains, it’s always best to play it safe. Bring water along for both you and your four-legged buddy. You may want to get collapsible dishes or a doggy water bottle with an attached bowl.

Choosing Fido’s Buddies

Before letting your canine friend off his leash, take a moment and watch the dogs in the park. Look for pooches that are acting aggressive, and/or bullying other dogs. You’ll also want to look for intact dogs, as well as female dogs in heat. If you see any rowdiness, take Fido for a walk and try again later. Or, just come back another day.


If you’re still working on training your pooch, you may find that the dog park can be a great place to work with Fido. This will help him get used to obeying orders no matter where he is. However, if you use treats as a training aid, you’ll need to be discreet. If Fido’s buddies notice that you have snacks, you may soon find yourself surrounded, and could start a ruckus.


Before leaving, take time to clean up after your canine companion. Many dog parks set out plastic baggies for patrons to use. We recommend keeping extra ones in your car, just in case.

Please reach out to us, your local Tampa, FL vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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