Beach Safety for Dogs

Do you like going to the beach? One of the best things about Tampa Bay is our gorgeous sandy beaches! Many of our canine pals also love going to the beach. However, always put Fido’s health and safety first. Read on as a local Tampa, FL vet offers some beach safety tips for dogs.


Make sure Fido obeys basic doggy commands, like Sit, Stay, Heel, Come, and Lay Down. This is very important! Proper training can help you keep your pup from running off and/or approaching strangers or unsafe areas.


Make sure to check local ordinances. While some beaches allow dogs, Fido isn’t allowed at all of them.


Did you know that dogs can get sunburned, particularly on their noses? Pooches with thin and/or pale fur are especially susceptible. Ask your vet for more information.


Always bring plenty of water for both you and Fido. Your furry pal can overheat very quickly running around in the sand! You may want to get a collapsible doggy dish, or a doggy water bottle with a dispenser.

Swimming Lessons

Before taking your pooch to the beach, make sure he can swim. Never throw your dog into the water. Fido may figure out the doggy paddle, but he may also be completely traumatized by the experience! Instead, hold your canine friend gently to support him as he is learning.


Never leave Fido near the water unattended! Also, avoid taking your pup to places with deep water, strong currents, riptides, and/or heavy wakes.


Dogs can quickly get painful burns and blisters by running around on sharp rocks or shells and/or hot sand or tar. Your pet’s paws will be even more delicate after he’s been swimming. You can try putting sandals on your pooch. However, not all dogs like wearing shoes. If Fido isn’t having it, use paw balm or wax to protect his furry feet. Also, keep your canine pal on soft surfaces as much as possible.


Before you head for home, rinse the salt and sand out of Fido’s coat. You may also want to give your furry friend a good brushing when you get home. For extra tail wags, finish the day off with a cool treat, like doggy ice cream.

Please contact us, your Tampa, FL pet hospital, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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